Anonymous ID: bec4ca Feb. 7, 2018, 9:08 a.m. No.295046   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5096


>It's a lot harder then you think. We need to use soy boy pics, SJW pics etc to get their attention.

No it's not really, it's difficult for us because they are alien (culture, not ayylmaos) than we have, and they repulse us. But we have to get over that and realize WE ARE ENGAGED IN PSYWAR here, we're not making memes for the choir.


examples woman with speech bubble was from a feminist site

Use photos, text/font, concepts that will appeal to them

Millenials/hipsters want to feel clever, so give that to them instead of pointing out their idiocy

Anonymous ID: bec4ca READ>ANALYZE>PERSPECTIVE Feb. 7, 2018, 9:12 a.m. No.295067   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Okay, trying again because it didn't get the attention it needed in the last thread:


>News unlocks the MAP


Steele Goes Dark; Ditches London Court Appearance Following Criminal Referral By US Senate (Feb 6, 2018)



The heat is ON! How does anyone think it will fine and dandy for him to just decide to skip a Court appearance? How that looks? (they are tone deaf & panicking)

related to:


Declassified Grassley Document Confirms FISA Memo's Explosive Claims (Feb 7, 2018)


Not news to us here, but to normies it is amazing.

Panic in the ranks…


Bannon Will Meet With Mueller And House Intel Committee Next Week (Feb 6, 2018)

"We look forward to having him before the Committee once we can assure that he will be able to thoroughly answer all our questions without concerns regarding the scope of executive privilege."



Q has mentioned State Secrets several times (in the beginning) - Exectuive privilege is involved. Bannon knows a lot, the fake spat between him & POTUS was like that with Sessions & TRex (theatre) so Bannon could be more independent, setting up for BB to become more prominent in the new media landscape (love them or hate them)


>Find the spiders

>Build the web ("map")

READ, Analyze the info wrt Q statements/questions, Place the players on the MAP of their networks


We need to step up our game, anons!

Part 2 of news/relationships to follow (too long text)

Anonymous ID: bec4ca READ>ANALYZE>PERSPECTIVE 2 Feb. 7, 2018, 9:13 a.m. No.295074   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5494 >>5536

The Cost Of Illegal Immigration (Feb 6, 2018)



Known & understood by us & readers of ZH, the point is that it is being discussed prominently right now: SchumerShutdown 2.0 over immigration - stock market volatility/ wealth being wiped out at the same time, this is related.


Steve Wynn Resigns As CEO Of Wynn Resorts After Sex Allegations. (Feb 6, 2018)



Wall Street Responds To Steve Wynn's Surprising Resignation (Feb 7, 2018)


[the volatility in the stock market should really not be affected by a hotelier, yet the inference is that it was/is - why in the world would that be??]


are related to:

Little Barbies: Sex Trafficking Of Young Girls Is America's Dirty Little Secret (Feb 7, 2018)

"They’re called the Little Barbies. Children, young girls - some as young as 9 years old - are being bought and sold for sex in America. The average age for a young woman being sold for sex is now 13 years old."




  1. 13-year old girls are NOT "young women" (grrr)

  2. Major hotelier resignes for sex-related behavior

  3. AS + hotel (pedo ring)

All related!


Not to trigger/acknowledge the muh space iz faek shills, but this is really important

Boeing's Hypersonic Strike-Aircraft Can "Buzz Around The World In 1-3 Hours" (Feb 7, 2018)


This is important as a revelation of technological prowess of America. Unlike NK & Iran, we don't broadcast our latest & greates tech. There is a reason that this news is being produced NOW, who it is supposed to affect/influence & what other multiple objectives it is meant to achieve.

>tech prowess

>advanced weaponry must exist, though we're not stating it plainly (rattle opponents)


German Parties Reach Grand Coalition Deal (Feb 7, 2018)


Q had posted in two non-cbts threads on 4/pol/ - one discussing Angela Merkel - he was clear that she was controlled and is losing power.

She has been on shaky footing and unable to form a coalition govt until now. It has happened but she/her party are weakened greatly.


which is related to:

France: Migrant Crisis Spirals Out Of Control (Feb 7, 2018)

French Interior Minister Gérard Collomb described the level of violence in Calais as "unprecedented." He attributed the fighting to an escalating turf war between Afghan and Kurdish gangs seeking to gain control over human trafficking between Calais and Britain..


A year ago, it would have been political suicide to say even a milquetoast sentence about muh diversity and "migrants" not being angels. The tide is turning.


is related to:


21 Arrested as UK Police Target Iraqi Migrant Smuggling Ring (6 Feb 2018)


Explsoive statement from that country -

>The National Crime Agency said the people smuggled into the country were mainly Iraqi Kurds. Officials say the suspects include Kurdish organized crime members.

>Deputy director Tom Dowdall said the agency believes it has “disrupted a significant network” of human traffickers.

even more heartening:

>They targeted roughly 20 addresses after a yearlong investigation supported by authorities in France, Belgium and the Netherlands.

that those countries were in support. Takeaway: despite the public pronouncement supporting muh diversity, behind the scenes countries are taking quiet actions. The tide is turning, and they are emboldened by POTUS and his keword SOVEREIGNTY

Anonymous ID: bec4ca Feb. 7, 2018, 9:34 a.m. No.295192   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5208 >>5242


Hi there - can you clarify this?

>some of the linked archives are missing Q posts (if i check at another archive of the same page it does have the post)

Not sure if I am understanding.


>before the board was cleaned up

Which board?


this https:// is an archived thread

this https:// will go directly to that location on that thread, so people who want to see the post itself will be taken directly there and not have to search the thread for it.


>also there is no archive of thegreatawakening, am i supposed to ignore those posts

Well that is okay, since there is only one thread on his board. There is no problem if you want to archive it (just plop the thread link into It can updated at any time to have a fresher newer version of the thread without overwriting the previous archive. That's not something you have to do, but you absolutely can if you want to do so.


I am really so grateful for the help!



Actually, I'm SSAnon, the one you replied to is helping with the spreadsheet (so wonderful) - and thank you for the support. I'm not going anywhere until we're all done with this and dismissed by POTUS or Q - we have work to do!


And on that note - THIS >>295126 is one reason I love this place and all you patriots helping. Coming together to unfuck the world, no recognition, no recompense, no fame, just helping.

Anonymous ID: bec4ca Feb. 7, 2018, 9:42 a.m. No.295239   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5287 >>5320


>Obama conspired with Putin




> Hussein literally briefing his handler, Putin


CNN pls go



> where putin stands in all this crap.

Putin, as the leader of Russia, does what is best for his country. He is anti-cabal. Period. He has to deal with the (((oligarchs))) who mostly fled to Israel and walk a fine line, but Putin is going to play it close to the vest and do what is best for his country. He nor Russia is really our enemy.


>For example, why russians didnt release any info to counter election hacking/ interference crap.

Think about that for a moment, anon. If they did 1. they would expose their sources & methods

  1. it would appear they were backing TRUMP and it would reflect badly on the country, and make things difficult on the international stage later for them.



I gotcha. I don't have to tripfag any more (yay) and only mention it when it's relevant :) But you're very welcome, it's my humble honor to be able to participate.



>Connection to Grassley Memo? 43 names in this footnote?

You may be onto something there

Anonymous ID: bec4ca Feb. 7, 2018, 10:26 a.m. No.295517   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5706


Alright, thank you



>Never forget the Bill Ayers connection to Hussein and communism

Didn't Hillary or Michelle do their thesis on Ayers? Hillary loved him.



On point, anon. We are competitors, and all Russia has ever wanted was a seat at the table, to be treated as an equal. I have respect for Putin and his situation. He's done a lot for his country with very little. Have you ever seen his style of press conferences? Taking ten questions, writing them down, answering them fully, then on to the next ten? Amazing. He's very intelligent, knows his stuff and I'm glad for the Russian people that they have him (the previous ones were terrible for the country)



>search anons posts for hidden information

That is NOT how the markers work.

Anonymous ID: bec4ca Feb. 7, 2018, 10:31 a.m. No.295543   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Glad - Q wants us to analyze the news, discard what is irrelevant and ANALYZE it in relation to what he says/asks and what we know. There seems to be too little of that, or it's one thing and not in relation to the larger picture. I hope we will develop this habit, and we will have more success in building the bigger picture

>find the spiders

>build the web ("map")

Anonymous ID: bec4ca Feb. 7, 2018, 10:36 a.m. No.295581   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>This is the organization which is currently suing to prevent Illegal Immigrants from voting, demanding the states turn over voting records of illegal citizens

VERY important!!

Anonymous ID: bec4ca Feb. 7, 2018, 10:49 a.m. No.295665   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thank you for the explanation, it's really good to get a German's direct perspective (and make sure I'm not misreading or misunderstanding it).



>Military Action Plan is MAP

While I get the multiple meanings concept, this is not correct.

>find the spiders

>build the web ("map")

spiders = players

map = map of their network, their connections between each other


Some anons were absolutely sure a month or two ago that MAP meant Minor Attracted Person, but far too many anons are ignoring WHAT Q SAID SPECIFICALLY IT WAS.

Anonymous ID: bec4ca Feb. 7, 2018, 11:02 a.m. No.295740   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>This isn't how markers work, it's never been how they work.

Thank you, have been trying to get this across, too. I'm baffled by how many who praised that graphic in this thread. Suspicious actually.

Anonymous ID: bec4ca Feb. 7, 2018, 11:06 a.m. No.295769   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I do the spreadsheet so have re-read the crumbs many many many times, thanks. Military is not going to be giving our their action plan.

Anonymous ID: bec4ca Feb. 7, 2018, 11:08 a.m. No.295793   🗄️.is 🔗kun


there is a periodic effort to convince anons here that

Gowdy's comp'd

Session is comp'd

POTUS is comp'd


Gowdy is not comp'd. Even the text message that (((anon))) relied on shows the opposite. I don't know how anyone can make that assertion with a straight face.