>>2949466 pb
>>2949510 pb
The picure I saw of him yesterday?
He looked scared.
Also as he's grown old the plastic surgery has worn off and so with the beard he resembles his previous self more than I've seen before.
[cant find the image now]
I disagree that "they corrected it with explosives" but I get your point.
>>2949089 pb
>>2949199 pb
>>2949033 pb
I found this picture scary as hell; gave me goosebumps. Was on the cover of an occult book. It's a Masonic Muslim.
Ever seen the men cover their face like that? Chilling.
There's a lot on this subject of Muslim influence in Masonry in Parfrey's book "Ritual America"
Parfrey died last Spring; suspiciously.
Knights Templar are said to have had allegiances with Muslim / Arabs back in the days of the Crusades