glad to see TTDDTOT getting bumped
if you WANT commentary and back and forth convo is when you do side thread and per BO most of these dont need their OWN thread
glad to see TTDDTOT getting bumped
if you WANT commentary and back and forth convo is when you do side thread and per BO most of these dont need their OWN thread
thank you for the headline baker. Im not an everything is Black or White kinda guy, i know everything is a Shade of Grey.
the Hannity is meh, what this headline does is remind me that Q and DJT have me more "Hawkish" than i have been in a long time
it is what it is, and we are currently in our current storyline, the past is the past, the future is what we make of it (Great Awakening ends in world peace and prosperity, Space and Beyond, zero point energy, etc etc)
i doubt They Knew about Iran in 2007, i called the NEOCONS back then… but im pretty entertained with being Hawk right now, with Q and POTUS GEOTUS so ima just drop this here