The Joker Tut seems nervous. Why?
I worked for AJ for over (5) years. I would like to confirm at least one of the accusations leveled against him: He does in fact take marching orders from Mossad/AIPAC. But you must understand that in order for him to say the things he has said, to spit that kind of truth and commit the cardinal sin of getting large numbers of people to listen to you… HE HAD TO CHOOSE. I f you’re drowning, and about to be eaten by a Clinton Shark, do you care who throws you a rope from a comfy, warm dry boat? Alex talked about this day, he thought it woyld have come much sooner, he had no choice. Even though he fired me, i am going to suggest to him that he come clean, admit his allegiances, break them and ttuly “advance to the next level”
Call me Alex
if I can forgive, most of them can too. You dont need them anymore.
Congress ave, near the civil war monument, yellow bag…..
of all the perjoratives i would use on alex, “coward” is NOT one of [them].
the one with the best odds of protecting his children.
not that dumb boomer, it refers to an event in the past.
he doesnt look 5’11” either… be that as it may, we ALL have weaknesses.
Those of you without sin, please toss the first stone.. mmmmmmk?