A story in 4 parts
"Jerry I ain't livin anywhere neah dose Schvartzes!" as his grandfather also used to say.
Yep, just more jews trying to start wars.
Never a bad idea to remind everyone.
Does it make you mad, kike?
It's jewish to post the same stupid pic every fucking bread.
That's because jews have ZERO creative talent. You cannot create an original idea, you can only destroy. Like you're trying to do to our civilizations. God's on our side though. I know that scares the shit out of you.
his arm is resting on it you fucking retard.
It's at the same height as the chair next to Andrew. You're too fucking stupid and this slide isn't going to work. no more replies for you.
Hey look another repeat picture.
JDL, you're not even trying.
You're making jews look even worse.
It's OK if the goyim know as long as we take their guns away from them.
It turns out that calling a computer a racist, Nazi, or white supremacist doesn't prevent it from analyzing IQ, crime, STD, illiteracy, illegitimacy, welfare, etc. statistics and arriving at logical conclusions based upon those statistics
Why were they celebrating???
Man I've really got all of the JDL buttmad today, they can't stop replying.
Must be an awful rosh hashana
You know why everyone ignores you?
Because, like a typical kike, you attempt to subvert by putting an infinitychan logo at the top pretending to speak for everyone.
This is why you failed. This is why you always fail.
You're probably the dumbest kike here.
Consider this a pity-(you)