Anonymous ID: d674ad Is Pence the Author of the Op Ed? Sept. 9, 2018, 6:51 p.m. No.2953331   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3374 >>3414 >>3450 >>3487 >>3573

Why would FakeNews CNN report this unless it was for propaganda purposes??? Think logically here, why would CNN actually post an article or video showcasing Pence defending himself? Why is he even taking questions about the Op Ed? Read between the lines! Pence is to Trump as LBJ was to JFK! He is just another establishment deep state lackey, have never trusted him… Why did No Name invite Pence to his funeral? Why does Q only mention Pence a couple times? Why hasn't Q said trust Pence Or Pence is a patriot anywhere? Why is Trump having Sessions investigate the Op Ed?