Anonymous ID: d757fc Sept. 9, 2018, 10:24 p.m. No.2955762   🗄️.is 🔗kun


TV Investigator Natacha Jaitt claims Borgoglio protected an alleged pedophile ring in Argentina

>Gustavo Vera … uses his organization to target the weak, poor children who no one will listen to or care about. These children are made to perform sex acts for others in exchange for money. The clients of this network include journalists, celebrities, and politicians.

>the soccer leagues in Argentina are essentially pedophilia + prostitution networks. The poorer boys are forced to perform sex acts in order to make the team (instead of normal try outs) and then they must continue to prostitute themselves in order to remain on the team.

>pedos/abusers: Julio Grassi (priest aided by Bergolio), Raul Pardo (priest aided by Bergoglio), Leonardo Cohen Arazi (PR officer of the Independent soccer league), Francisco Delgado (reality TV star), Brian Lanzelotta (celebrity/musician), Martin Bustos (referee), Carlos Pagni , Oscar González Oro, Alejandro Fantino (all journalists), and comedian Enrique Pinti.



>Gustavo Vera and Lucas Schaerer, who work with the non-governmental organization La Alameda on problems of human trafficking, drug-smuggling and corruption, first met Francis in 2008 when he was Archbishop of Buenos Aires – and they needed his top cover.

>Now that he is at the Vatican, at the global helm of the Catholic Church, Francis still checks in with “God’s Trotskys.” Once a week, he calls Vera, says Schaerer. “He asks how the people in the neighborhood are. He keeps tabs on the life he left back in Argentina.”