Anonymous ID: 9d98dd Sept. 17, 2018, 5:51 a.m. No.3056062   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6160



Daughter Of CIA Assassin Paymaster Tries To Bring Down Trump Supreme Court Nominee Kavanaugh


By: Sorcha Faal


An intriguing in-depth new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that a Stanford University Psychiatry Professor named Dr. Christine Blasey has become the latest centerpiece of a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) plot to harm President Trump with her last-minute allegation, just days prior to US Senate confirmation, that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh had attempted to sexually assault her over 30 years ago when they were teenage school children—while being kept from the American people about Dr. Blasey is that she currently oversees the CIA Undergraduate Internship Program Stanford University developed by the notorious CIA-connected Stanford University Psychiatric Professor Dr. Frederick T. Melges—who himself, in 1985, took into his care the homeless woman Lois Lang who assassinated CIA paymaster Nick Deak—and that afterwards saw the CIA’s black operations monies being controlled by Ralph G. Blasey Jr.—who, not so mysteriously, just happens to be the father of Dr. Christine Blasey. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]


According to this report, with Trump being warned, just prior to his assuming the presidency, by the powerful Democratic Party US Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer that US intelligence services “have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you”, this past nearly two years has shown just how prescient this warning was—and whose latest “strike back” against Trump is coming courtesy of a rogue CIA faction who have just trotted out for public display Dr. Christine Blasey (married name Christine Blasey Ford)—who claims that as a young high school teenager Brett Kavanaugh, also a high school teenager, tried to sexually assault her—but whose “evidence” for this being true shows Dr. Blasey unable to name the exact year it happened, her not remembering where the incident took place or how she got home, her not being able to remember key details of the incident, her not remembering how the gathering came together the night of the incident, and her not telling anyone else about at the time—but should be expected to be the case from an unproven salacious allegation of this sort as it comes from a woman supporting the Democratic Party and who, also, hates President Trump.