Good morning anons. Memebaker here.
Yes we told Q we were going to load Memes29 with FISA CORRUPTION related memes and in fact there were over 300 posts made, until the BO came in around 1 AM EDT and decided to lock the bread because of complaints. I explained the situation and went to bed.
The people complaining were either unaware that I promised to devote Memes29 to FISA CORRUPTION, or they did not think my reposting of older memes was directly on the topic of FISA corruption.
Our little conversation took place in Meta:
and then BO unlocked the Memes29 bread around 2AM EDT.
Now a new BV is on duty and they do what they do.
I told the BO:
Sorry dear fren, I am the memebaker and the memes I have posted are not spam. I did not "spam my own thread to hell". These Hillary memes pertain directly to the corruption topic. Hillary is corrupt, and she paid for the DOSSIER to get the FISA spying warrant. She also has been sued by Judicial Watch for receiving illegal campaign contributions from Russians(Browder's company) and from DNC state PACs, which she used to try and make sure she would win…by paying for the dossier. It's all entirely relevant to Q's topic of FISA / Corruption.
So that was the main point of dispute, I believe. I think this is mainly a matter of miscommunication across shifts. I had worked over 2 shifts yesterday and so I can testify that people in different shifts were unaware of what had been said in prior breads.
Frankly I do not care. The main thing is dutiful anons doing what they promised to do, in support of God and country. Can the twatters find their FISA CORRUPTION memes? Yes, although now scattered across 2 breads. Are the memes multiple topics? Yes they are. I used the following keywords to pull relevant memes from the archives and checked each meme by hand rejecting those that were not relevant or hard hitting. The meme topics I posted:
FISA, corrupt, Obama, Rosenstein,Comey Yates, Ohr, Lynch, Treason, traitor, sedition, Spygate, dossier, Clinton, Hillary, DECLAS, unredact, collusion, conspiracy, McCabe, criminal referral, unfolding right now, deep state,7th floor, Trump tower tap, wiretap, Strzok,Page,insurance policy,
I did not search on texts, drain the swamp, Rachel Brand, Kerry, Samantha Power. Brennan, Clapper, Jarrett yet.
God bless patriots.