Some digging on Claire McCaskill . 1 OF 2
(The numbers at end of each point cite the sources below)
POTUS will be in Missouri next week campaigning for Josh Hawley, her Republican opponent.
In 2001, Claire was caught NOT paying nearly $300,000 in back taxes owed which she owed when she sold her first private plane, earning her the name ‘AIR CLAIRE’. (1,3, 4)
In spite of what she touts as common, ordinary beginnings, Air Claire’s father, William Young McCaskill, served as a state Insurance Commissioner during the administration of Democrat Governor Warren E. Hearnes and her mother, was the first woman elected to the City Council of Columbia, Missouri. (6)
Air Claire is ranked the 5th-richest of 100 senators with a net worth of $60M. (7)
Until recently, Washington super-lobbyist Tony Podesta and Claire McCaskill Were business partners through the co-ownership Of a Washington D.C. Restaurant. (9)
Tony Podesta Held A Fundraiser For McCaskill In His Mansion In 2006. (9)
During the course of her career, McCaskill has taken at least $25,000 from the Podesta Group and its employees, including more than $12,000 in this election cycle. (9)
Tony Podesta, himself, has contributed at least $5,500 To McCaskill’s campaigns. (9)
McCaskill admitted to to using her private plane during what was advertised as a three-day campaign tour of Missouri in a recreational vehicle (RV) because she “was on the RV so much that the broken drawer drove (her) crazy.” (5)
Air Claire, in 2014, bought one of the plushest new condos in D.C. paying $2.7M. She also owns a sprawling 15 room home in Kirkwood, Missouri, which in 2011, was valued at $700,000. (8)
McCaskill, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee for 10 years, said she never met with Russians, including Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, who has held his position since 2008. But McCaskill’s own earlier tweets show that that’s not the case. She has communicated with the Russian ambassador, at least twice, to discuss policy matters. (2)