My random Anon thoughts for today:
Jack Psobiec, you have been weighed and measured. You have been found less than honorable. It is time to hang up your fake-as-fuckedness, pick up a hammer, and get a construction job and earn an honest living like the rest of the HONORABLE world. Also, you took an oath. It clearly meant PISS to you, but for those of us that took the same oath, I means the world. So, for pissing on your oath, I say, “Fuck You.”
Q, WE know the importance, seriousness, and danger that all of you and POTUS are facing on a daily basis. WE know that the DS likely has attempted to identify all of you and would love nothing more than to plot your demise. WE, from the relative safety of our anonymity, pray for you and those that are actively fighting this fight on our behalf. For my part, I will continue to support and spread the Awakening truths. And I think I speak for many Anons and Patriots when I say, “When you need me, just say the word.”
Anons/Autists/Patriots/BO/BVs, you fags kick ass! WWG1WGA!