Anonymous ID: da5240 Sept. 10, 2018, 8:54 a.m. No.2959062   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Just received a new perspective on the plan. Had a conversation with my mom the other day who is a die hard blue pilled liberal. Hates Trump. She told me that we need to secure our elections. Wants paper ballots and accountability. Even pushed for Voter ID laws.


This is what we've been saying all along with HRC rigged the election. Now even libs are calling for securing the election process. It's called pacing and leading. Trump already had us in agreement that we need to have voter ID laws in place and an end to Sorros funded voting machines. But he's taken advantage of the fake Russian Collusion narrative so that now Libs are becoming convinced we need to secure our election process against foreign meddling. Suddenly we find ourselves in agreement and less divided.


Q- this is not about R vs D. This is about truth; the Great Awakening. How long before Libs start calling for the arrest of HRC? If they hate the idea of Putin meddling in our elections so much, they are really going to flip when they find out it was members of their own party who allowed it.


United we Stand.