I'm a twatter fag and I went through all the MAGA accounts involved in the drama.. it's toxic and it's just getting worse. I personally don't care what comes of it, but hopefully it will shine a light on who is really MAGA and who's dividing and being a paytriot.
It is very telling.. but I'm also very skeptical of who will be taking their place. Are these people resigning getting 'deals'? Are they just quietly going to slink away into the darkness? What about board members of some of these organizations? If they're corrupt, they need to be held accountable. I'm still trusting the slow plan, just have lots of questions.
Yes, it all needs to be made public. I understand muh optics and timelines, but at some point we deserve to know what's really going on, or we're going to fall back into the same trap. I'm hoping for sooner rather than later.