my first kek of the day
shilling isnt free speech
myopic obsession with jews isnt even shilling, its brain damage. id say neck yourself, but we both know you'd fuck that up as well
then leave
start your own board
elect your own candidate that marches around in SS uniforms like a spineless faggot
then you and your entire trailer park can goosestep down the street, slaughtering anyone who looks like they have a big nose
but you wont, cuz you cant, cuz you fail at life
drink bleach and livestream it
so only whites live in trailer parks?
or all whites live only in trailer parks?
youre literally too fucking stupid to post on plebbit
you dont speak for me, ever
i hope your kys is ironic
or youre just a hopelessly newfaggot that has no idea how this shit works
shills arent fucking human, im not advocating violence against humans
but you know that, or youre just too fucking stupid to be here