>>2961388 lb
>They are not above him. When you are the supreme Court of a State, federal courts cannot dictate to you unless it is SCOTUS, that is the Constitution. Moore is right, but few people care about the rule of law, including yourself. I am a lawfag BTW. Lower federal courts (which are not even mandated by the const but may be set up by congress) do not have authority over State Supreme Courts or states. You are just accustomed to Federal Tyranny from normalcy bias, and from a public school education.
No matter what kind of fag you are, you're horrible at comprehending.
Moore was removed because he flaunted a federal judge's order to remove the 10 commandment statue. He was removed by the authorities that could do it from Alabama. If you believe this is correct, then a buddhist judge could do the same thing with a giant budha statue. By doing that he placed himself above the law.
Moore's not right because he (as an agent of the state) placed a religious statue in a state building, which is advocacy.
Moore's ridiculous.