Anonymous ID: 0093ec Sept. 10, 2018, 1:12 p.m. No.2962550   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Russia’s FSB: Ukrainian Special Services Hire ISIS Member To Assasinate One Of DPR Commanders


On September 10, Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) stated that Ukrainian special services are providing an active assistance to ISIS members in Russia, according to the Russian state media.


According to the FSB, a detained ISIS member, Medzhid Magamedov, revealed that the Ukrainian side is involved in providing security, funds, weapons and explosives to ISIS members in order to carry out terrorist attacks in Russia and assasinate commanders of the Donetsk and Luganks People’s Republics in eastern Ukraine


The FSB detained Magamedov in the Smolensk Regiion on September 9. FSB servicemen seized an IED and a gun belonging to the suspect. The detained person was allegedly preparing to assasinate one of the DPR commanders upon order from the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) and the Ukrainian paramilitary organization Right Sector.


According to the FSB, Magamedov visited Ukraine in early 2018 in order to meet with representatives of ISIS, whom later provided him with contacts in the SBU. Then, Magamedov reprotedly received a task to assasinate one of the DPR commanders. The Ukrainian side provided the suspect with means (an IED and a gun) to carry out the attack.

Anonymous ID: 0093ec Sept. 10, 2018, 1:22 p.m. No.2962705   🗄️.is 🔗kun

French kids should learn Arabic? Education minister suggests controversial curriculum change


France’s minister of national education has expressed support for adding Arabic language to the school curriculum for French children, enraging the country’s right-wing that has warned of dire consequences if the plan goes ahead.


France should draw up a “qualitative strategy” for teaching Arabic language in schools, Jean-Michel Blanquer said during an interview on French television. He insisted that Arabic, along with Chinese and Russian, is one of the “great languages of civilization” and should be learned “not only by people of Maghrebi origin or Arabic-speaking countries.”


Blanquer’s comments were made in response to a report authored by the Montaigne Institute, a Paris-based think tank, which found that middle and high school students learning Arabic have increasingly turned to religious schools that teach Salafism – a radical branch of Islamic that advocates Sharia law. The report called on the French government to incorporate Arabic into the public school curriculum in order to counter the political and religious indoctrination taught at these Salafi schools.


Due to the rising popularity of these Islamic schools, Salafi indoctrination “is gaining ground in France” – especially among young people, the report’s author, Hakim El Karaoui, wrote. “The number of students learning Arabic in France’s secondary and high schools has halved. But the rate has multiplied by ten in mosques.”


But while Blanquer was quite vague on the possible pros and cons of such an endeavor, Robert Menard, the right-wing mayor of the town of Beziers, didn’t mince words when he decried Blanquer’s suggestion as a “project with incalculable consequences.”


“To develop the teaching of Arabic in school and to ‘give prestige’ is to legitimize the birth of another nation within France,” Menard tweeted. Apparently, he was not alone in his anger.

Anonymous ID: 0093ec Sept. 10, 2018, 1:25 p.m. No.2962759   🗄️.is 🔗kun

'Flock Safety' and police cam-share programs encourage neighborhoods to spy on the public

Anonymous ID: 0093ec Sept. 10, 2018, 1:28 p.m. No.2962815   🗄️.is 🔗kun





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