A lot of the major players (actors) took turns posting as Q. It’s why you see many “device” ID’s on the chans. If you know Pam and Baruch well, and know how they talk you’ll be able to make out some of their verbal habits in the drops. They often taunted people with them. Examples: we serve at the pleasure of the president (this was us, secretly saying we were Q – fast forward it’s also why tracy kept saying “we are Q to POTUS in a recent vid of hers), some of come to drop crumbs just crumbs, trust the plan (Pam came up with this) etc. I can go on.
Prior to the elections some members had started sending letters to the president complaining about the problems in our government. It was time we got measurable change – is what they wrote. We also called it Quality and Quantitative change! This is where Q came from. We called ourselves Q patriots in every letter and made it clear that we were wanting change and that we were rooting for him and promised to help him gain votes to make this possible. We sent lots and lots of letters hoping he’d acknowledge us.
Regarding the famefagging – look back to see who reached out first to inforwars, tracy and many other truthers for interviews. The truth is out there. They’ve even been caught saying that Q told them directly to do this (BULLSHIT AGAIN). This is when Tracy came on board too and Corsi.
If you look at when we went from posting on halfchan to the infinitychan board it was baruch, and codemonkey that did that shit because of drama we had with some 4chan mods all thanks to baruch. He always caused issues. It’s why Pam pushed us to cut ties with him because we were starting to fear getting caught. He was getting caught slipping way too many times and we had to cover our tracks.
When corsi came on board he was the major lead and someone Pam always knew would bring him the publicity we needed. Pam looked to corsi for his insight to deepstate research and this is how Pam took advantage of Corsi. Corsi still hasn’t picked up on this. It’s been Pam picking his brain for drops with the help of Farmer too. Tracy was eventually told the truth and she was in and she contributed too. If she says otherwise she’s a fucking liar! I had respect for her at first and lost it. I hope she comes forward with the truth too because she did have some guilt in this too.
The tripcode – Matlock was Baruch. That fucking idiot says he knows digital forensics but he cant even come up with a secure trip? He’s the biggest moron of all. We all would secretly make fun of that fool. Anyway, when the trip got cracked we had to come up with something fast. That’s how that “they used special hardware to crack it” came about. Farmer also helped here. You can go back to see he supposedly verifies Q’s IP to validate his new trip along with Baruch and Codemonkey – all fake. We threw that shit in the drops and people bought it all up.
Baruch and Pam silenced people that were questioning the drops, and silenced some of us that left and posted the truths by deleting our posts and banning our IP’s – yes Codemonkey/Baruch do track IPs on the board. If they tell you otherwise it’s a lie! If you search there are archives that show the deleted posts and you clearly see the BS that transpired and who’s at the lead (the BO and others). Dumbass Tripfags!
CBTS discord – Pam planned to make other platforms to collect money. Farmer wanted to start something in the discord to capitalize. Pam said no (because he already promised people he wouldn’t) and drama broke out. Eventually they planned to break up the CBTS discord allowing Farmer to collect in the CBTS discord and Pam made a new server. By this time, this was the 3 new discord server because drama kept coming up when members questioned “the plan.” This is why it also spilled over on the chans! Farmer took a fall for letting in an FBI informant (as planned). But guess what, Don’t question it, you’re a shill if you do, trust the plan! – Yup all BS!
This was a constant and still is. As we broke up the group. Someone would try to control the board to be Q. This is how Baruch took over first on 4chan, then another member, then farmer. Look back and you’ll find constant contradictions from yes we know Q, yes we have contact with Q, to and all that (baruch). Farmer responding as Q to himself as the anon who initials his post with ff (farmerfunk). Search the Qmap website for the “ff”.
More recently – you see the drama with corsi and others where Q is bashing them but then gives props to the bakers, codemonkey, and BO – Please open your eyes people! I’m so very sorry for my part but you are all being lied to.
The pictures - We would find them on the net, modify them with photoshop or other applications, reverse the images over lay things on them, or did things so that they couldnt be reversed search in google: unless that's what we wanted you to do. We would test it ourselves.