What a week ! What a show ! What pain !
Does anyone see a connection between the mcstain funeral & [scif]
and the unfolding events that may or may not be relative to a hatched plan?
BTW where is VJ lurking?
From the OVERBLOWN funeral to HUSSEIN spitting pea soup speeches to waning audiences
getting Auntie Maxine all crazy again. She can't stop stepping on her tongue.
Are they looking to incite another Qaddafi or Benghazi moment?
Fool me once shame on me, fool me twice shame on….
It won't work.
Gaslighting 45 galore, which will backfire BIG time.
FISA, attacks, and revelations- hmmmm
Lets NOT forget W. Campbell and Uranium 1 operations.
AND we need CLAWBACK on every dime Mueller and Team got paid- all $21+ million
build the WALL with it.
What's next?
Bruce & Nellie as the modern day ROSENBERGS?
Better yet the Bob and Rod show?
p.s. my understanding of admissions under 'duress' present a good argument
making them invalid [Flynn, Page = lying= felony?].
DEEP STATE gone stupid !? Cripe it just takes too much energy to remain stupid.
Seriously, can it get any crazier? I can't wait until the next episode. You can't make this sh*t up.
What's next?