Exactly.. South America is a bastion Very..,very.., strong.., The fact that it´s a Persian in the Power, it´s makes see a Power very hard there.., between that and the Zio-Argentines (the bridge for Antarctica).., "Andinia Plan"
Exactly.. South America is a bastion Very..,very.., strong.., The fact that it´s a Persian in the Power, it´s makes see a Power very hard there.., between that and the Zio-Argentines (the bridge for Antarctica).., "Andinia Plan"
https: //www.enca.com/technology/chinese-police-don-high-tech-glasses-to-nab-suspects
https: //www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/chinese-cops-now-have-hi-tech-glasses-to-screen-crowds-for-criminals/story-xyzRtwfOIUw1dLn54Tn7VI.html
http:// www.ecns.cn/2018/02-07/291784.shtml
A flight on the USN P2 poseidon left..
Meanwhile, Magma89 showed up.