Root cause issues:
Constitution under attack
All three branches of government compromised, included fourth estate (journalism).
Compromise is top down mostly, sometimes middle-top down.
Legislative:K-Street owns them, they don't represent us. Various entities blackmailop them, mostly CIA, Mossad, GID, ISI, MI6. Those three letters are often fronts for the illumanti.
Executive: Massive tssci clearance industry in beltway means too many contractors have access to things they shouldn't. Info leakage in corporate world is ripe. Compartmentalization abused to refuse debriefing the upper echelons of those with need to know (JCS/POTUS/SecDef/three letter directors) have all been denied access to certain programs which is unconstitutional. Blackmail ops on executive. FBI extremely compromised, has been involved in the majority of domestic false flag attempts. DOJ comprimised. Assassination structure of the elite requires primarily local corruption of: The DA or ADA, the coroner, and the chief of police/mayors.
SCOTUS: Heavy targets of the blackmail ops. Often quid pro quo assignment to usher in megacorp policies (for example former Monsanto lawyer refuses to recuse himself from Monsanto cases).
Fourth Estate: Operation Mockingbird in full effect. Some places worse than others (WaPo, NYT, etc) Talking mouths especially… look at consolidation of media ownership. Evidence FOX was setup during Nixon era specifically as adminstration propaganda to counter the more zio-prop from nyt.