Patriots: Whats stopping these faggots from undoing everything after GEOTUS is gone from office? Eventually these traitors will get back in power.
>There are plenty of laws in place, we don't need new ones. We need a DOJ chasing these criminals
All heads can be replaced by the pres. I think this is the problem with the system. Need to be able to vote each head in so the pres cant choose one of /hisguys/.
>Think about it - our parents lived through JFK and Watergate, and because the root cause was hidden, the same deep state is still in power.
Exactly. I fear they'll give the majority just enough of a pound of flesh to go back to sleep packaged with a strong economy. Comfortable people are less likely to act.
let me guess. ALL of them are states Trump won.
What the fuck are we doing here? Seriously. Even that faggot Tillerson was pushing "Russia definitely had infiltrated european elections". which puts Brexit in doubt.
Have to admit anons my fuckin rage is through the roof with this russia bullshit.