I'm playing a game.
I spent two hours doing this this morning, and the post I did is now in the bread.
By the time I get done with this game I will have Proof for those of you who seek TRUTH what BLUNT meant. And, I will have some very very personal messages for those of you who are Q-Doubters.
Now. There's probably 5 people out of everyone who's here who think I'm nuts, and I can't read a map. I'm going to play this game until you incontrovertibly shut up. I should filter you but I won't because I enjoy taunting you. You are just encouraging me to post further proof and I'm enjoying taunting you as well as proving that "TRUTH NEEDS NO EXPLANATION".
What part of
don't you seem to understand?
See ya in an hour or two when I get done with my side of my next move in this game.