Anonymous ID: ad1d0d Sept. 10, 2018, 7:12 p.m. No.2968730   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8771 >>9283

Barack Obama crawled out of his hole Friday and trashed President Trump–calling him out by name, then took credit for the booming economy.


Obama gave a speech at the University of Illinois Friday and arrogantly took credit for Trump’s booming economy.


BOOM! President Trump DESTROYS Obama in Latest Video — Troll Level: Commander in Chief!


Barack Obama couldn’t even run a lemonade stand; he is the only president in history to never see a single year of 3.0% GDP growth yet here he is with a smug look on his face giving himself credit for Trump’s accomplishments.


This is the same guy who told business owners, “You didn’t build that!”

Anonymous ID: ad1d0d Sept. 10, 2018, 7:14 p.m. No.2968754   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8784

Clinton Body Count Series: #11 - Suzanne Coleman Died By Gunshot to Back of Head


This Series details the many “suicides” surrounding the “Clinton Crime Family.”


These cases are either quickly closed or still under investigation.


The eleventh case I selected to write about is Suzanne Coleman.


Related Coverage: Clinton Body Count Series: #1. How FBI Agent David Raynor Stabbed And Then Shot Himself


Related Coverage: Clinton Body Count Series: #2. Who Killed Seth Rich?


Related Coverage: Clinton Body Count Series: #3. John F Kennedy Jr. dared to run for the same Senate seat as Hillary!


Related Coverage: Clinton Body Count Series: #4. Shawn Lucas Who Filed Fraud Case Against DNC and Hillary Found Dead!


Related Coverage: Clinton Body Count Series: #5. Woman Set to Testify Against Clintons Blown Up in Home Explosion


Related Coverage: Clinton Body Count Series: #6. Anthony Bourdain - Suicide or Murder?


Related Coverage: Clinton Body Count Series: #7. Carlos Ghigliotti - The Man Who Knew Too Much - Waco Siege


Related Coverage: Clinton Body Count Series: #8. The Murder of Vince Foster


Related Coverage: Clinton Body Count Series: #9. The Boys On The Tracks


Related Coverage: Clinton Body Count Series: #10. Penthouse Pet Judi Gibbs Died in a Mysterious House Fire


For those who may not have heard of Suzanne Coleman, she was one of Bill Clinton’s many alleged victims.


Suzanne Coleman “allegedly” died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the back of the head. She was pregnant “allegedly” with Bill Clinton’s illegitimate baby.


We are left to believe that she committed suicide with a baby in her stomach and by reaching the gun around to the back of her head.


The audio below is from a radio interview with Citizens United’s founder Floyd Brown.


In the interview, Brown talks about the lengths Hillary used to go to just to keep Bill safe from the repercussions that would have resulted from all his sexual escapades.

Anonymous ID: ad1d0d Sept. 10, 2018, 7:16 p.m. No.2968789   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9386

‘Silent Donation’: Corporate Emails Reveal Google Executives’ Efforts to Turn Out Latino Voters Who They Thought Would Vote for Clinton


An email chain among senior Google executives from the day after the 2016 presidential election reveals the company tried to influence the 2016 United States presidential election on behalf of one candidate, Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton.


In the emails, a Google executive describes efforts to pay for free rides for a certain sect of the population to the polls–a get-out-the-vote for Hispanic voters operation–and how these efforts were because she thought it would help Hillary Clinton win the general election in 2016. She also used the term “silent donation” to describe Google’s contribution to the effort to elect Clinton president.


The main email, headlined, “Election results and the Latino vote,” was sent on Novcom. 9, 2016—the day after Clinton’s loss to Trump in the 2016 presidential election—by Eliana Murillo, Google’s Multicultural Marketing department head.


The four page email begins with Murillo claiming she and others at Google were engaged in non-partisan activities not designed to help any one candidate or another—only to undercut her own commentary in later passages in the emails by openly admitting the entire effort to boost Latino turnout using Google products with official company resources was to elect Clinton over Trump.


The critical miscalculation, Murillo wrote in a stunning admission in the email, was that Latino voters backed Trump by higher margins than any experts had forecast in the lead-up to the election. Trump’s 29 percent among Hispanics nationally blew prognosticators away, and he hit even higher numbers—about 31 percent—in the key battleground state of Florida, Murillo admitted.



Anonymous ID: ad1d0d Sept. 10, 2018, 7:18 p.m. No.2968805   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8840 >>9326

Mike Rowe speaks out about Nike’s Kaepernick ad, and it’s powerful


Mike Rowe weighed in on the controversy over Nike’s new ad campaign with Colin Kaepernick in a powerful statement posted on Facebook.


We’re going to do something…


Rowe was responding to a question from a follower on the popular social media platform. The post was entitled, “We’re Going to Do Something.”


“You’ve been very quiet about the Kaepernick PR disaster at Nike,” noted the commenter. “Any thoughts?”


He was referring to the controversial ad campaign with the former NFL quarterback who began the kneeling protests during the performance of the national anthem.


“Nike’s free to celebrate whomever they wish,” Rowe responded, “and Kaepernick is entitled to his opinion – kneeling, standing, or lying down. But if I was going to put someone’s face on a billboard – someone who epitomized bravery and sacrifice – I might have gone another way, especially this time of year. I might have gone with this guy – Tom Burnett.”


“Tom’s last act on earth was one of the most courageous things imaginable,” Rowe explained. “And his last words to his wife, Deena, are among the most inspiring I’ve ever heard. Those exact words are at the top of this page, and the bottom.”


“They were spoken seventeen years ago,” he added, “under conditions I hope to never experience. I’ll never forget Tom’s last words. I hope you won’t either.”


Rowe added a transcript of Tom Burnett’s last calls to his wife, Deena, on 9/11, from the hijacked United Flight 93.


In the last call, Burnett tells his wife the passengers’ plan to stop the hijackers from using the plane to kill more Americans.


Tom: We’re waiting until we’re over a rural area. We’re going to take back the airplane.

Deena: No! Sit down, be still, be quiet, and don’t draw attention to yourself! (The exact words taught to me by Delta Airlines Flight Attendant Training).

Tom: Deena! If they’re going to crash this plane into the ground, we’re going to have do something!

Deena: What about the authorities?

Tom: We can’t wait for the authorities. I don’t know what they could do anyway.

It’s up to us. I think we can do it.

Deena: What do you want me to do?

Tom: Pray, Deena, just pray.

(after a long pause)

Deena: I love you.

Tom: Don’t worry, we’re going to do something…


The phrase “We’re going to do something,” was meant by Rowe to contrast with the campaign motto from Nike, which is, “Just Do It.”


The country will commemorate the 17th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on Tuesday.

Anonymous ID: ad1d0d Sept. 10, 2018, 7:22 p.m. No.2968856   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9036 >>9344 >>9378

Billionaire Koch Brothers Launch Super PAC to Support Open Borders Politicians


The pro-mass immigration, GOP megadonor, billionaire Koch brothers are forming a new super PAC ahead of the 2018 midterm elections to back politicians who support their agenda of open borders, amnesty, and endless free trade.


The Kochs’ network of PACs and organizations will join together to elect candidates that fit their economic libertarian agenda, which stands in stark opposition to President Trump’s protective tariffs, border wall, and agenda to raise U.S. wages by reducing legal immigration levels.


The Americans for Prosperity (AFP) Action PAC will join forces with the Kochs’ amnesty-pushing Libre Action PAC and Concerned Veterans for America Action to promote the billionaires’ agenda.


Before and during Trump’s presidency, the billionaire Koch brothers have been threatening GOP lawmakers who support the populist-nationalist agenda of the president. In July, during a conference of billionaire donors, Koch organization leaders said they would oppose Republicans that do not fall in line with their economic libertarian worldview.


Days before the Koch donor conference, Daniel Garza, the president of the Kochs’ amnesty arm known as Libre Initiative, told the media that reducing any legal immigration to the U.S. — where more than 1.5 million foreign nationals are admitted every year — is “unacceptable” and that the organization would not support lawmakers who seek immigration controls.


That same month, billionaire Charles Koch called Trump’s tariffs on imported Chinese products “ridiculous” and said they were “unfair” to foreigners.


“Yeah, it’s unfair. It’s unfair to their people,” Koch claimed of the foreign countries and foreign workers who have been hit with Trump’s tariffs.


Trump’s tariffs, as Breitbart News reported, have created more than 11,000 American jobs in the economy in the last six months, according to research by the Coalition for a Prosperous America. This means that there are 20 times as many American jobs that have been created thanks to Trump’s tariffs on imported foreign goods than jobs that have been lost.


In May, the Koch brothers solidified their commitment to open borders by sending out “Thank you” ads for Democrats who voted for amnesty for millions of illegal aliens, as Breitbart News reported.


Currently, the U.S. admits more than 1.5 million legal and illegal immigrants every year, with more than 70 percent coming to the country through Koch-supported chain migration. In the next 20 years, the current U.S. legal immigration system is on track to import roughly 15 million new foreign-born voters. Between seven and eight million of those foreign-born voters will arrive in the U.S. through chain migration.