Anonymous ID: bc704c Sept. 10, 2018, 7:49 p.m. No.2969263   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9342 >>9363



Hello all of you amazing anons. Weird vibes in the air. Totaled my car on Thursday, was driving on a beautiful day paying full attention, guy in an older car with no break lights or blinker at a dead stop in the middle of the road. Thought he was moving slowly, doing around 25 mph at around 2 to 3 carlengths away, I slammed on the breaks and ended plowing into and under his car. My car was totaled, his car was barely scratched. Have no idea how this occurred. I waked away with some bumps and bruised and THAT to me was the incredible thing about it all. I hit him head on, like driving into a brick wall. No airbags, appparently wasn't going fast enough but I walked away, for that I am grateful.


Tomorrow is always a weirdy day for me. Was 7 miles away the day the Towers went down, remember the black smoke and the nasty stench for weeks afterward with the hot putrid weather, I remember the loss of life, the friends who voluteered to search for anyone who maybe left alive. So many people lost, what a waste. Never forget where I was and what I was doing had a weird vibe from the moment I woke up.


Have not been here for a few days just check ins and such.


Thank you all for everything, thank Q and POTUS and all who are fighting for their lives and our lives and our way of life that seems to be teetering over a cliff.


I will be praying hard for the next 24 hours for all you and our country.


WWG1WGA. Love to everyone on this board, you have no idea how much I admire you all and hope one day we can all meet and have a huge BBQ….Peace.