Been following so called "Biblefags" since your beginning.
If you actually listened to God, the only just one, the one who never lies, you would know who the enemy is; you would know how to arm yourselves, and your brain would already be slapped awake.
But instead, in ignorance and "self" knowledge, you refuse to do that. You protect darkness!! You listen to men's "religions" and a million other men books that corrupt the Truth, the Light and the Way.
Dark to light
Good v. Evil
It is a matter of life and death.
God doesn't lie
Men do.
Go back to GOD
dot upon dot
verse upon verse
Precept upon precept.
Quit cherry picking his WORD
To support your world.
Turn from/See the abomination for what God says it is:
A death trap as SATAN welcomes you.
Wake Up. Read the Word from beginning to end, over and over like Jeshua said. Lose your religion. Go back to God and True knowledge.