The reason for this is because most have forgotten to give back to the Earth and ALL.
Every atom is God .
The living spirit needs to have balance and sadly that is not here right now and has not been for millennia.
How can a living entity carry on giving giving giving ? It needs something back. Most take and use up resources that seem endless without giving proper thanks..and without gratitude and love the spirit of anything , including our Earth and Solar System, is not fed in the way it needs.
Most have been busy dissecting the actual messengers and prophet's for soo very long , the reminders were forgotten, again…
We are ALL part of God.
We made a mistake millennia ago and we have to forgive ourselves and move on. We have to put in to practice what we have been reminded of , by many ,including Jesus.
Love your enemies was said for a reason as LOVE is what diffuses. Love is what restores the balance. Love feeds love and hate feeds hate.
Jesus did remember what he was here to do only a few thousand years ago. Can you see around the world that we listened to him ? I can a little bit but it needs to grow massively and asap as we are on the precipice, again , and quite frankly we don't want to be stuck in this loop anymore !