Pros/Cons: declassifying FISA documents today (9/11). Thoughts?
I was thinking that angle, too. Not so much the 17 years, but using the date to right a wrong. But there are downsides as well; the biggest one being this damned storm coming in: it will give the media every excuse to ignore the documents. They won't even have to kill children this time.
I guess there really isn't a time where the media is going to cover it, though. That's what we're for, I guess.
He said they believe they spoke with Q twice, and corroborated some evidence that led them to believe it was him. I immediately pictured them looking at Microdick's chat log.
I don't know if that guy's legit or not. He seemed earnest, and they were only asking $7 and $2 per month. But that's the first I'd ever heard of them, and when the first thing I know of someone isn`'t their work, but rather their solicitation, it doesn't sit well.
Besides that, for Q to come out and reiterate 'no private comms', it's not a ringing endorsement.
To their credit, they were somewhat respectful og Q while also implying that they'd given Q 'lots' of good info. Another red flag. Where were these guys back in November, telling us about North Korea?
Let them break something before it happens, I'll listen. Until then, I'd rather donate to someone like Judicial Watch or an important political campaign (if I had spare cash to begin with).
No. Q has mentioned stuff as far back as Kennedy's assassination; as if there was a core group of pattiots that found the truth and started planning. The first 'Q-like' post I've seen was the deleted NSA post re: pizzagate. Q also mentioned having a hand in making sure images of Obama's cash giveaway to Iran got out (I believe), as well as a few other things.
Q, Bill Binney and associated Patriots are the real heroic resistance that deserve the mantle the NY Times is trying to bestow on that fuckwit traitor op-ed writer. Everything they've brought to light has revealed corruption and evil. That NY Times author is a part of the evil, and only revealed that fact.
Organized religion promotes communism, not Christianity. In fact, I would argue that Christianity itself is what led to capitalism. How else could you explain a Bill of Rights essentially giving others what they wanted for themselves?
Christianity does not recognize man's authority except as ordained by God, and even then it's subject to scrutiny. While we are told to submit to authority, we do it for the love of God and Jesus, not because we think of those people as being somehow divine. The entire chronicle of leadership in the Bible is a trudge through failure and corruption.
Catholics, of course, differ.
If there is one form of communism I will ever embrace as a Christian, it will be Divine leadership. Everything else is suspect, because all humans are flawed. I'm pretty sure that it is this skepticism of human authority (shared with the Jews) that makes them hate us so much. We acknowledge no divinity in man, just anointments that may be removed as He sees fit.