Sorry I didn't write that up clearly
To make it more clear.
Josh Harris filmed the Art project at the World Trade Tower by hiring a helicopter and flying around the Tower and filming it. Someone stood out on a tiny "balcony" nude. And it was done near the same floor where the aircraft allegedly hit.
Likely it was an excuse to have those people up there doing their thing for a while? Under cover of being "performance artists"
Harris lost all his money; so we are told, and went into hiding for some years after 9/11. We were told he was frightened since he had filmed those artists.
So he knew enough to be frightened of his role.
I don't know who he was in-with for the Bunker Project;-A] originally called something like "Quiet"
I can't remember.
But it was obviously more than it seemed. It was to project the future. What would the future be? Harris and the project were busted on New Year's Eve [1999-2000?]
I' m not sure how Harris got the role to take the helicopter. A video of the adventure was on the YouTube for a while but taken down.
At the MOMA event he staged a conflict where someone came up to confront him on stage. That was another psy-op, but it was funny. Why he did that?,
I don't know, but it could have been because the audience was so passive it annoyed him and he wanted to provoke something?
It could have been another social test.
The audience remembered him from the party days in NYC and basically worshiped him .They were in awe.. Celebrity worship.
His father worked for the CIA [so says Wiki] so all that happened to him, and with his project, including making all the money he made, wasn't an accident .
The "losing all is money" could have just been an excuse when the project was over for him to leave town / disappear.
He would dress up as a Mother figure from "Gilligan's Island" no joke. Transvestite.