Anonymous ID: 1b914d Sept. 11, 2018, 5:25 a.m. No.2973511   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3527 >>3824

>>2973162 (lb)

Every platform on Earth is censored and the most heavily censored information is that about the organized subversive activities of Jews - any and all investigation of and criticism of Jews is taboo. A vast army of paid gatekeepers patrol the internet (aided by bots), alerting authorities as soon as criticism of Jews is spotted anywhere. Any platform that fails to censor to protect Jews from having a light shone on them is quickly shut down.


Only on the chans remains a vestige of free speech. Only on the chans can people post anonymously about Jews, without having their posts deleted and getting banned and reported to the authorities.


Q decides to use the chans "for a reason", without stating what that reason might be.


Do. The. Math.

Anonymous ID: 1b914d Sept. 11, 2018, 5:46 a.m. No.2973645   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3657 >>3664 >>3690


Be careful with that channeling shit, anon.


One of my sons started "hearing voices" many years ago. Since then he spiraled into ever deepening isolation, spending more and more time with his voices and less and less with other people. His social skills deteriorated, his speech became monotonous and rambling. He started speaking loud to himself, but not as himself, it was the voices doing the talking (channeling). His sleep pattern was destroyed as the voices made him sit up all night talking gibberish.


Two days ago he walked out of the house in his underwear and wandered around in circles talking to himself. Then he crawled on all four on asphalt until his knees where bleeding. When we got him inside it was impossible to get through to the real person any more - he was now fully under control by one of the voices, identifying itself as "God". He declared in a stilted voice how he was going to kill everyone "if it pleases God", and that he was going to kill himself because <insert more rambling nonsense here>.


It was no longer safe to keep him home, so we called the psychiatric department at the hospital. Three cops, two doctors and a nurse soon showed up. Now he is in a closed institution, medicated to suppress the voices. We hope he will recover and be able to rebuild a normal human functioning personality eventually.


Be careful with that channeling shit, anon.

Anonymous ID: 1b914d Sept. 11, 2018, 5:58 a.m. No.2973755   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I'm sure there are some who can deal with this through "deliverance", but some of those who do these things seem possessed themselves TBH. I wouldn't call anyone I don't personally know and trust, and there's unfortunately zero people on that list ATM.


Meanwhile, the pills do the trick too. Suppressing the voices that is. Rebuilding a normal psyche is a more lengthy process.

Anonymous ID: 1b914d Sept. 11, 2018, 6:15 a.m. No.2973924   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3971


>1. Accepted as fact: 71-72% of the earth's surface is covered by water. Accepted as fact: 65 -79% of the ocean floor are perfectly flat abyssal plains. (See Therefore, at least 65% of 71% of the earth is perfectly flat!


The "abyssal plains" isn't perfectly flat by any stretch, it is only relatively flat, while still of course following the general curvature of the Earth. If you found some science text that didn't specifically mention that curvature, it's because it's so obvious it doesn't even need to be stated. All scientists know the Earth is round, it's not something the feel they must repeat in every paragraph of text. Or ever, for that matter.


>2. Accepted science teaching - that the earth is an oblate spheroid, that it is too big to see the curve. Yet every image presented by NASA is of a perfectly round ball. ??? Which one is it?


It's an oblate spheroid if you're being pedantic and measuring carefully, and a sphere if you're just eyeballing it. The oblateness is very small, too small for our eyes to discern. This would be obvious to you if you had read any actual scientific description of the shape of the Earth, and not just watched a lot of rambling YouTube videos made by retards.


>3. Science used to teach that the sun was stationary and that all of the planets revolve around it. Science now proposes that the sun is traveling thru the universe (one verse) and towing the planets behind it in a sprial pull. Then, how -


>a. do all of the stars in our night skies always appear in the same constellations, the same patterns night after night, month after month, year after year? and


They don't. The night sky is constantly shifting because our sun and all the stars are moving. But the distances involved are so enormous it takes many years for this to be noticeable.


>b. how does the earth traveling at approx. 67,000 mph (so we r told) speed up and get in front of the sun which is traveling at 483,000 mph in order to revolve around the sun? and,


The Earth follows the sun, giving it the same 483,000 mph velocity relative to the stars. In ADDITION to following the sun, it also orbits the sun, and has a 67,000 mph velocity in this orbit.


>c. how does the sun not crash into the earth's slower orbital rotation should the earth ever succeed in traveling faster than the sun's speed?


If you understand my answer to point b above you'll understand this question is completely nonsensical and can't be answered anymore than "why is my banana sad?".


Good luck learning to science. You have a long way to go, but at least you're trying!