Anonymous ID: 22186b Sept. 11, 2018, 5:42 a.m. No.2973613   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3652 >>3962

Disclosure: Repost from yesterday, but I have made a few edits relative to recent Q drops and changes my current “Vegas odds” guess.


Anons are aligned that something big is about to go down. But one of the most fascinating elements of all of this is the fact that with some of the most pivotal elements cannot be agreed upon here. There are many areas of consensus, but some facets still remain for which there is no clear consensus, and in fact some (hopefully collegial discord) among patriots here. Patriots can disagree and still be patriots…important to keep that in mind. One glaring example of this is Mueller.


“If RR is dirty, Mueller must also be dirty.

If Mueller is dirty, RR must also be dirty.”



Very simple, right? Except that Q isn’t known for bluntly stating the obvious. Q posts in order to make us think, so there is always the potential for necessary misinformation, double meanings, or other cryptic.


Regardless of how you may personally feel, mathematically there are only 4 possible outcomes:

A. Both are dirty

B. RR is cooperating, Mueller is dirty

C. Mueller is cooperating, RR is dirty

D. Both are cooperating


Examining each relative to Q’s statement above.


A. Both are dirty (strong possibility).

Case for: This obvious, and there is ample evidence that they are!

Case against: This is too obvious. And given that it’s blatantly clear to even the casual observer that they are dirty, why would Q feel the need to state the obvious?


B. RR is cooperating, and Mueller is dirty (highly unlikely).

Case for: none

Case against: RR clearly signed the FISC doc, and has pretty much lived inside the [ ] kill box. “FlyRRFly”, “RR problems”, and too many other direct and indirect mentions by Q


C. Mueller is cooperating, and RR is dirty (possibility).

Case for: The dirty RR is well established. But a case can be made for Mueller cooperating. The meeting with POTUS before being named SC, former US Marine, and several other hints. Plus, Q has been especially cryptic around the topic of Mueller while he has been more direct with all other black hats.

Case against: Mueller stacked his team with partisans. Mueller has gone after Trump’s people, but doesn’t seem to have explored Hussein and his DOJ’s obvious hand in manufacturing the Russia narrative.


D. Both are cooperating (highly unlikely).

Case for: Trump and team could very well have designed a sting so complex and genius that even anons have been fooled. Black hats watch this board, and Q has mentioned that some misinformation is necessary. The Art of War.

Case against: Ample evidence that they are both part of the DS, and working diligently to advance the interests of the cabal.


I have pretty much ruled out any scenario where RR is cooperating, thus B and D are out. That leave A & C as the predominant outcomes. Personally I’m on the fence, and as of this minute would probably handicap it as:

A = 55%

B = 1%

C = 40%

D = 4%


But this will can and will change as the shitstorm hits with full-force gale winds.

Anonymous ID: 22186b Sept. 11, 2018, 6:14 a.m. No.2973909   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4176


Yeah, as I clearly stated I have pretty much ruled out ANY scenario where [RR] is willingly or unwillingly on our side.


Thus, other than a remote 5% possibility of something completely out of left field, the entire academic exercise rides on the question of Mueller.