Anonymous ID: 76c34c Sept. 11, 2018, 6:07 a.m. No.2973836   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I sense an opportunity to unmask whomever is in charge of or delivering the footage and "comms" to the western media.


Who exactly receives and distributes the FF msterial???

Q…any thoughts?

Who is the major american network?

FNN probably.


▪Staged Filming of False Flag 'Chemical Attacks' Has Begun in Idlib: Russian MoD▪


Russian state media channels, in a near simultaneous blitz of information, have issued breaking alerts this morning that anti-Assad insurgents in Idlib have begun filming "fake footage of chemical attacks" based on Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) statements. The Russian Center for Syrian Reconciliation says (((the "fake footage of chemical attacks" is expected to be delivered to various TV channels and Western journalists before the end of the day Tuesday.)))


Russia's Sputnik News indicates based on official Moscow sources:


According to the information received from inhabitants of Idlib province, militants are now filming a staged provocation in the city of Jisr al-Shugur, where "chemical weapons" are depicted as being used by the Syrian army against civilians. The film crews of several Middle Eastern TV channels arrived in Jisr al-Shugur in the morning, as well as (((the regional affiliate of one of the main American television news networks"))), the Reconciliation Center said…..cont.