Anonymous ID: 92f4b7 Sept. 11, 2018, 5:58 a.m. No.2973744   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3785 >>3807 >>3827 >>4069 >>4165

Bono is trying to mock/shame people for voting.

Sweden has seen a huge increase in crimes and rapes the past few years, due to the influx of so many migrants.


Something which does not effect a rich person with walls around their mansion.




Bono uses 'devil clown alter ego' to mock Sweden with Nazi salutes during U2 concert after the country saw surge in support for anti-immigrant party in elections

U2 frontman Bono mocked Sweden and the leader of far-right party

Bono shouted name of Sweden Democrats leader and did a Nazi salute

Far-right SD won 17.6 per cent of the vote on Sunday's general election

Party was the biggest among male voters in Sweden, with 24 per cent of vote

Sweden facing weeks of coalition talks after neither major bloc wins majority

Social Democrats stay largest at 28.4 per cent but with lowest share since 1908

Leaders of all other parties have ruled out forming a government with SD

Bono was seen making a Nazi salute during a U2 concert in Paris, as he mocked the leader of the far-right Sweden Democrats party in the wake of the country's general election.


Performing as his 'evil alter ego' Mr MacPhisto, Bono shouted the name of SD leader Jimmie Åkesson while throwing his right arm out, after congratulating Sweden for discovering their 'Aryan potential'.


Åkesson's anti-immigrant SD party won 17.6 per cent of the vote, leaving Sweden in political deadlock with neither mainstream block strong enough to form a government.


The country is now facing weeks - if not months - of political uncertainty and complex coalition talks, as all other parties have refused to govern alongside SD.



Anonymous ID: 92f4b7 Sept. 11, 2018, 6:44 a.m. No.2974129   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4233

On fox news in corner screen, they show Trump and Melania walking on stage in Penn. I think Trump is about to speak.

Right now Pence is talking from ground zero right now.

Anonymous ID: 92f4b7 Sept. 11, 2018, 6:54 a.m. No.2974233   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I guess Pence is at the pentagon( he started speaking after Mattis, who i think was at ground zero.

and why i thought it was where Pence was, kek

I believe Trump will be speaking soon( they probably have it timed, so he will come on after Pence's speech.