Anonymous ID: f5e06b Sept. 11, 2018, 6:44 a.m. No.2974127   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The evil is just too much.

Must read article on the mini Nukes smuggled to Israel & used in 9/11. Many more service men & women will die of ung cancer from the radioactive dust they inhaled while trying to save lives that day. It's why POTUS is always embracing those First responders & those who Serve & Protect, they were the mosy vulnerable as they accessed Ground Zero to elp those that survived the collapsed towers. He fucking knows..

I believe this is why Israel is last & it is never mentioned once as per Q.

These savage shekel hoarding baby raping killing & eating Synagogue of Satan motherfuckers need to be glassed today.

This article made my blood boil.

It's what (((They))) are most afraid of. Dissemination of this info.

We don't want division, but we must IDEN the culprits responsible for the event .

It's the Jews & it's why they shill here non-stop.

Fuck em & fuck em hard, we have to stomp out their evil, it has gone on long enough.