This establishes a motive for BHO to want the examination of HRC Email Server wrapped up neatly without charges. It isn't proof, but offers a pretty clear motive. The question now is where is this email in question? Lets see it. Redact the whole damn thing other than the header. If it was to some domain he was using other than Barry's got a lot of explaining to do.
Has Assange ever offered an opinion of Barlow?
These two were so brazen on their work phones. Its hard to imagine what they were discussing when they were deliberately communicating under a cloak of secrecy.
ART = anti retroviral therapy (Tinfoil i know, but saw it used in a work related doc today)
Red October = Anagram for Robert D. Coe Diplomat
Iron Eagle = Anagram for General Oi, ancient korean general
or Angelerio, Pope Celestine V
or Legionaire
Flipped or Broken.