Well, I see they still have the same shill strategy that night crew was dealing with.
Q keeps saying that no one would believe it, it's bigger than we think, etc. This is because Q group is mostly made up of people who have been in govt service most of their lives, or been around those who were.
Don't believe me? Speak to 5 of your neighbors, and in casual conversation, ask something like "hypothetically speaking, if it turned out that 95% of politicians were corrupt and evil, would you be surprised?" No one in God's green America think that politicians are stalwarts and paragons of virtue. They just think that their particular party is less evil than the other one.
I wonder why Q hasn't done polls to find out how ready the American public actually is. Do they use contractors to determine this? If so, didn't we just have an article about how useless contractors were for that kind of thing?
There is only 2 dangers to the plan that I can see. Well, 3. First is to detonate a nuke over conus. But there are some mighty big benefits to our side if that would happen. Second, is assassination. That drops us immediately into civil war. Third, is patriots think nothing is being done, and start a civil war.
The last one is the most dangerous. Any one who has worn a tinfoil hat knows that you don't communicate with electronic devices, you wear disguises so that you can't be picked out with facial recognition, and you make some mods so your walking/running gait is not the same. You are now untraceable. Tracked by DNA frequency? (If you believe such a thing). There are remedies for that also.
I think it would behoove Q to use a little less disinformation on here. And also to realise his "big booms" (which, in all fairness may be gargantuan when you know most or all of the plan) look more like "more of the same" to normies and most autists.
The longer this goes on, the more I think, should shit go sideways, this is going to be French Rev 2, and not Civ War 2. But then, I'm a cynical bastard.
Other than that, it's a great day, Anons. Generally speaking.