>Or saying Obama's birth legend is a fraud.
Hillary supporters also said this in 2008. People will say anything to make their opponents look bad. Trust me I think Obama is as fake an American as there ever has been. Doesn't mean people that use that to get themselves ahead will do anything about it and not shake his hand in back rooms where no one can see.
This has gone on long enough. I won't mentally tolerate anymore delays. Either something happens soon, as in today or this week, or I'm done. I'm done with the idiotic forced memes of this place. I will go back to my regular life, talking with real people who are willing to listen as I've done for the last ten years. I will never go back on this stupid website. I will never mention the Q trick ever again. I will consider Trump and his Zionist shitstain VP Pence as enemies of the American people. All they have to do is do SOMETHING. NOT EVERYTHING BUT SOMETHING. Enough! Soon there will be no more America to even care about. Fuck this.