Bad guys hang on ever word (pun intended) Q utters. If we got all jacked up yesterday, what do you think the Cabal did? Hmm?
"Where's the beef, er plane?"
Stupid fucking question because I'm tired and my head hurts:
The planes were purported to have hit the twin towers from the side shown here?
Any significance, or just scanning old family photos?
โฆis when everyone, including us, least expects it.
Did you piously post something similar when gorefaggot was regularly positing his shit?
(I don't recall Jesus pleading for no gore.)
Oh come on. 67 years old here. Even when I was a kid, certain "protected" groups/classes, whatever the fuck you want to call 'em, acted in ways similar to this. My first real awakening to all of this, however, was while I was in the Navy in the 1970s. Certain "protected" groups never mixed in with the rest. Same as it ever was.
Crime statisitics, anyone? Are those a "secret nazi white supremacist conspiracy" too?
Seem it, lived it, escaped from it.
I'm not being sarcastic.
And Twinkies. Why do your think they have the long shelf life?
"Mission accomplished!"
I walked away from an expensive ho,e to live where I want to live (around people like me).
Sacrifices must be made if you want to live free.