Need hive mind research for important issue. We know how our History has been changed, I don't think we are the only ones. The same Angel that come to Mary gave this Ark to Mohammed to put where the fallen angels are & it was moved to Antarctica by Russians as SA was killing them. Also says it has to do with Apocalypse which is not to far away. May not be Q related but it is us related. Thanks I don't know any Muslims & I think they have been lied to, put us at war with each other.
I tried telling that last week you are correct.
Remember after they watched it one of them supposedly killed wife, burned house down & shot himself? Both stabbed to death, maybe warnings/
I have no sauce but I do have a memory & an Air force Pilot admitted it on death bed. I imagine took a big toll on him.
They control how big, when & how long. Hurricanes don't just hang around like this. Like Harvey was there for a week?
Either way you did not want HRC! Trust no man they like me change minds. God is the only one that does Not lie. We were given a chance to get false idol out of WH, done now make sure your house is right.
satan behind it not a nation shit is about to get real. Did I hear China is decapitating Christians today?
Maybe the hurricane is waiting to see what he will say.
Man I feel 2000 years old, they love to torture us & see us hurt. Check Oklahoma City bombing too. I don't have the research skills but I have the common sense thing. There was evidence in that building in government office about to be moved.
Did you see the article the Ark was taken to where the fallen angels are. How many it killed, end of days thing?
I saw a woman interviewed that saw missile go by her & farmer too. I am sure both dead now. We will be too & doomed if you keep wanting divergence. God will do that, relax nothing we can do. Fallen Angels can zoom that hurricane in here if he doesn't play nice.
Vengeance stupid auto correct
Another sign in the sun moon stars animals if you read in Matthew parable of the sower it is almost harvest time we will take the kids & leave it to God.
its in this bread a link