Anonymous ID: 16b123 Sept. 11, 2018, 1:16 p.m. No.2978881   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>Perhaps it’s sarcasm


Autistic sperg detected. You really think he posted a video the pentagon getting hit without a plane in it and is saying he believes the official story? This is how you win the Normies.


You say of course they were radical extremists, they found a passport at the WTC crash site.


Of course they were elite pilots, they took down 3 buildings with two planes.


Of course it’s not CGI look at this video conspiracy theorist (video of plane disappearing into WTC)


Of course the terrorists attacked our financial system, the room in the pentagon that was hit was the budget office while they were trying to find the missing 2.3 trillion dollars.


Etc etc etc.

Take an exaggerated stance of your opposition, works all the time, even to get your opponents to see what you want without them seeming like you are trying to convince them.


Also, stop with the anti-Semitic stuff. The Israelis arrested with a van full of explosives on 9/11 were not terrorists, they were students working on an art project