lessee here…
-msm openly attacking trump on 9/11 - classy
-same old Pop Mech 9/11 lies being regurgitated by media and gov
-another hurricane soon to be blamed on trump
-seasonal cycle crazy and local farms having problems
-my own chronic illnesses still slowly getting worse after 20 YEARS of living a super cautious lifestyle in order to increase chances of seeing the Awakening
wow, this is such a great celebration of retaking our country.
please, keep me from suffering the vapors from all the excitement (excrement).
but, yes, it has indeed been 17 years of non-stop 9/11 lies!
that's definitely something to jerk off to.
q's brand of hollywood sloganeering and golden parachutes has worn thin for this anon.
you broke my heart.
tomorrow is a new day, i guess.