Imagine calling yourself a patriot when you still hide the truth about 9/11.
And Q just rubs it in your face.
>look how we honor our troops, our dead civilians who paid for their own death, lol stupid cattle.
so patriotic.
Could you imagine voting for these people right now?
6,000,000 times THIS.
imagine still trusting the plan
Same. Libertarian, Socialist, Communist, Fascist, none of these systems truly matter as much as culture.
A white ethnostate will thrive no matter which one of these systems is in place.
>there's about 98% overlap
>so anyone who uses this to justify racism is stupid.
Do you even know where the word racism comes from?
>CULTURE inculcates us into various behaviors
WRONG again.
Culture is simply the product of group behavior. Behavior (as we can see with animals, think dog breeds) is influenced strongly by genetics.
You sound like a stupid fucking leftist believing that if you just control the environment you can control behavior (and culture). This is what leads to the totalitarian shit we see today.
Just stop. You're too stupid to understand any of this.
shit meme.
it's not about choice, it's about capacity and potential.
more blacks fit into the category on the right than the others.
There are just too few blacks capable of being police or lawyers.
That doesn't necessarily mean they are lesser, just different.
They're on a different evolutionary path.
Trying to force them into our white-western path is anti-black racism.
>What if the child consents?
>Oh, and I suppose my degree in social sciences education is worthless, then?
LOL Are you serious? Of course it is!
You actually enrolled in that phony jewish bullshit?
>Your definition implies: Group causes culture.
Like I said, just STOP. You're too stupid and now too admittedly brainwashed to understand ANY of this.
I will spell it out again for you but it's obviously going over your head:
Genetics shape and inform behavior, behavior of a group of people (who are genetically similar, which defines the group) will create culture.
You're seriously in need of some deprogramming.
OR you're just another dishonest non-white with an anti-white agenda. No more replies for you. You're just too stupid.