Most of you are very intelligent, but I can't stress this enough.. please be careful who you follow.. There are too many controlled shills trying to direct the conversation. Those of us who truly support Q thinks for themselves, they research EVERYTHING. There are many deceivers out there who claim to be patriots due to their loyalty to Q, or their Military background, or support of POTUS yet blindly support AJ and Associates (or anyone else with questionable ties for that matter). They will literally threaten and block anyone who challenges or questions their ties to Mossad. Keep up the good fight. We are the childrens children Yeshua spoke of. There are still so many who are asleep and stuck in the matrix. It is up to us to continue exposing the evils that be. Read your bibles. Let it be a guide. I have seen so many people saved by Yeshua because they broke the chains of this world and woke up. This is The Great Awakening. Stay safe Patriots, ThankQ and God bless.