I have still yet to hear from an Israel bootlicker what the nation has done to be our greatest ally.
Target-rich environment, and manipulates emotions of the Muh Gun Laws crowd.
Maybe it's so (((they))) can shape the narrative to the point where there are many many liberal An Heroes once the truth is revealed
I'm a former libertarian and while I'm a fan of peace, I consider them naive in this day and age. They beleive we can achieve radical individualism in an era of tribalism and diversity. Libertarianism only works if everyone comes from the same cultural background.
When Flight 93 was first mentioned on the news, I remember my classmates saying they heard it was shot down, I even believe Rumsfeld said "shot down." Within a few hours that disappeared down the memory hole.
Well, Russia rejected (((communism)))), so of course (((they))) hold a vendetta.
Good core principles, my issue has become that libertarianism condones degeneracy ("as long as they're not hurting anyone!"), and based on where American culture currently sits, degen behavior is not conducive to a healthy or long-lasting society.
Truth and critical thinking are hate speech