Anonymous ID: 06f8a8 Sept. 11, 2018, 3 p.m. No.2980330   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0428 >>0449


You have the right idea, LEfag.


Reposting now that the subject is getting some traction.


Last Thursday, the FBI evacuated the entire town of Sunspot, NM. They haven't told anyone why. The 'town' is basically a loop road with about 30 buildings, the largest of which is a giant telescope which stares at the Sun.


Theories, in approximate declining order of plausibility IMHO:


-Someone infiltrated the observatory as a scientist and used the telescope to spy on US Military operations at White Sands / Holloman AFB in the valley to the west?


-Antennas at the site were being used to relay information from White Sands / Holloman AFB and a sniffer was found in the equipment? Explains the FBI showing interest in the antennas.


-Nearby Cabal activity which needs to be covered up? The telescope is in a remote, mountainous area with good forest cover. Good place for Islamic school shooter training camps, cartel child trafficking campgrounds, etc. The FBI could have decided the town makes a good staging ground and they don't want anyone talking. Helicopters have been seen in the area. I'll rate this theory as plausible. Any anons want to go on a hike?


-The Cabal is planning a false flag EMP and the FBI is setting the stage for the narrative? This one sounds plausible at first. They would certainly love to give us something bigger to worry about than exposing their evil. They would love to ink the water and escape, while we all eat each other. However… why frame the Sun when they could frame Russia? What about all the other scientists who would know the truth? Wouldn't it be suspicious to leave most of the world untouched? What about preppers who know the main difference between solar and nuclear EMPs: A solar EMP can fry power grids and satellites but Faraday shielding is not required. Your personal stuff will be 100% protected if it is simply unplugged, and will most likely be protected even if it is plugged in but turned off. Sure, the general public will believe anything, but the conspiracy theorists would be all over this.


-Someone mailed anthrax or some shit? Unlikely because we haven't heard of any evacuations of the larger post offices the mail would have gone through. The Sunspot Post Office is probably a novelty post office anyway so talk about them shutting down the post office is a red herring (unless spy mailed USBs).


-Telescope being legitimately used to observe missile tests at White Sands? Unlikely because anons have not noticed anything unusual at White Sands or Holloman AFB and they always close a certain road when doing a test. There is no point in keeping a test secret because the public can see them.


-Scientists watching a large sunspot have figured out that a giant solar flare will fry the power grid and the government doesn't want a panic? Unlikely because (1) These things aren't predictable. Most large sunspots don't produce flares big enough to harm us. (2) There are other solar observatories, including satellites, and we haven't heard of those scientists being evicted from their offices. (3) If the sun did blast a huge flare at us, it would be obvious to amateur astronomers, as the Carrington Event was. (4) If the sun launched a giant flare last Thursday it would have got here by now.


-Aliens with a moon-sized spaceship? Anons have explained why this one is retarded but it won't go away, and neither will the Flat Earthers. You know what that means.

