I want to like your theory, but it's fucked up if they're going to prolong these storms long enough to do a round-up. Heavy rains and flood waters are serious business; those of us here in the Eastern US have experienced some messed-up weather and floods the last couple years that have destroyed livelihoods and families. Whatever white hats need to do, needs to NOT come at the expense of innocent people by playing with the weather. Lord knows we've been sprayed long enough.
This is why it's important to not trust anything 100%. The Q rallying cries last night of 'all hands on deck' really got us pumped up, the board had a lot of comradery. You could just feel it. And today, a lot of anons have felt let down. Question everything.
Was here that night. Everything makes me wonder. Unfortunately, my tinnitus is still strong as ever, kek.
I hear ya, anon. My tinnitus lessens dramatically when I'm out in nature with no phones/WIFI around, but still there, so makes me think it's permanent damage. Would love to have that inner silence again.