Anonymous ID: 825bac Sept. 11, 2018, 2:25 p.m. No.2979795   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9865 >>9942

Since we are already conspiracy theorists, I will throw this out there.  Mulitple hurricanes across the east cost are going to be used to cover cabal round ups and the public will be okay with it.  Here is why:


-Background:  POTUS has shit in the MSM's cereal for so long they cannot get the taste of it out of their collective mouths.  Meaning he is all they talk about regardless of what is going on in the real world. This is a critical piece of the puzzle and had to go on for years to engrain the message in THEIR heads.  This goes side by side with their promotion of any storm as "er mer gerd it is the end of the werld lets panic everyone!"  This is also critical because people freak out enough to declare a state of emergency on a state and federal level.  This opens up a who's who of federal agency personnel and potential embedded operators (think DHS) wouldn't look out of place, just as the military doesn't during an emergency like this.


-Now:  Anons are well versed in weather modification and I believe the DS was in control of this tech until recently.  I also believe that one or more of the DS satellites that did so is now in control of white hats but "offline" for them.  So, why would white hats generate the 4 lined up in a row?  The only people roaming the streets are "law enforcement" and criminals.  AND,  disasters are a perfect way for people to disappear and appear dead for all intensive purposes.  


-Theory:  White hats maintain the storm long enough to snatch the people they need to and then shut it down.  This will be done across several storms if needed with the same process repeating itself until they have who they need and limit potential damage or loss of life.  The MSM won't cover the missing actors for 2 reasons.  First, it will likely not be reported at a local level for them to catch on to it.  And two, they are so butt hurt over POTUS that the news cycle will continue as usual.


-The genius of it:   IF this occurs and some one actually gets a story on the MSM about these people going "missing,"  (the longer beforehand the better) white hats that are "locals" could go on record as saying "the last day we saw them was before this storm or that storm."  This creates a pattern for what comes next, creating the narrative that all of these people were using the storms to FLEE.   POTUS comes out with the "Storm is upon us," and proceeds to lay it all out there.  Groups of prominent people all "fleeing" lends credence to being guilty in the public view.  Considering it is all treasonous and horrible shit,  it shouldn't take much to convince all those that aren't lost forever.   "Manhunt" ensues and each are "caught" at various times but won't get to speak to the MSM to tell them what really happened because of MUH MILITARY TRIBUNALS.   Sorry so long winded, flashed into mind out of nowhere and had to get it off my chest.  Love to all involved - no homo