Anonymous ID: f396d9 Sept. 11, 2018, 2:29 p.m. No.2979862   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0049 >>0248 >>0365

Hamas Exposed: Iran, Qatar, and Turkey Funding Terrorist Activities in Gaza

Turkey’s Role in Funding Hamas


Turkey has become a major player in Hamas’ financing, while remaining a NATO ally. The Foundation for Defense of Democracies Senior Vice President, Jonathan Schanzer, told, “Turkey has become the top external headquarters for Hamas. Senior military and financial officials from the terrorist organization are welcomed in Turkey.” Schanzer continued, “Turkey has, in some cases, turned a blind eye to their military and financial activity. In some cases, it has actively assisted Hamas. This kind of behavior is not befitting a NATO member state. Between this, Turkey’s Iran sanctions-busting, its support for Jihadists in Syria and its authoritarian rule at home, there is a good argument to be made for ejecting Turkey from NATO. The problem is that NATO lacks a procedure for this.”

Qatar’s Assistance for Gazan Infrastructure

Hamas abuses the foreign aid they receive and directs almost all of its resources into terrorism, neglecting many of the basic needs of its people. Because of this, Qatar has stepped in to help the terrorist organization cover its tracks.

In early 2018, the emir of Qatar, Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, renewed his support for Hamas, pledging $9 million dollars in continued aid to the people of Gaza, footing the bill for medicine, food, and energy.

Iran: A Leading Sponsor of Terrorism

According to the 2017 State Department Assistance Related to International Terrorism Report, Iran remains one of the leading sponsors of terrorism abroad. Recently, Hamas launched hundreds of smuggled, Iranian-made rockets into Israel, according to Israeli security forces.

Hamas’ mission is clear: wipe the State of Israel off the face of the map at all costs. They are so desperate to do so, that they drag their own people into their operations, paying civilians to become public relations pawns for international media attention.

According to the Israel Defense Forces, “Hamas provided free transportation from throughout the Gaza Strip to the border for innocent civilians, including women and children…paying $14 a person or $100 a family for attendance—and $500 if they managed to get injured.”

This was all part of a lie. What the media called “violent protests,” turned out to be staged theatrics. Hamas is only going to continue to advance their evil agenda with the help of Turkey, Qatar, and Iran.