>>2980317 (lb)
Watch this, anon
1992 EPA regs destroy the coal industry in the US under Bush
Coal mines close
Coal towns die
Coal is required to make steel.
1993 - NAFTA ships our steel manufacturing to china under Clinton
Steel towns die
US auto manufacturing collapses
China uses soft coal
China makes inferior steel
China controls the US steel supply
US experiences a steel shortage
infrastructure crumbles; bridges rust
George W finishes killing off US coal with more EPA regs, 2005
Dead coal towns hit by opiod crisis
Dead steel towns hit by opiod crisis
Coal is required to make steel
Best coal makes best steel:for our bridges, skyscrapers, ships, trains, planes.
and is found in the hard anthracite fields in the USA
Coal is required to make steel
GOOD coal is required to make GOOD steel
Trump brings back coal-9 mines open in WV this year, some of them brand new mines. Beautiful, hard high quality, hot long slow burning anthracite. Good coal makes good steel. Steel manufacturing comes back to the US. News reports "no foreseeable steel shortage, what are you talking about, it never happened." Steel futures rise.
>The plan is amazing to watch. It makes me angry, sad and hopeful and happy all at the same time