I sure hope an anon out there can answer some questions for me. I'm not exactly buying into the deep state conspiracy surrounding the NM Sunspot Observatory. So here are the facts and my questions.
1.Sherrif reported black hawk helicopter (1)
Sherrif reported FBI agents swarming the "tower" and "antenna.
Observatory and post office (about 100 meters from observatory were evacuated.
Local town (about a mile away) was not evacuated.
Setting aside a deep state conspiracy these are the questions.
Why the FBI (terrorism threat?)
If there was a terrorism threat, what exactly was the target and the nature of the threat?
What powers the observatory?
What functions does the observatory serve that are essential to national security (if that is the nature of the threat)?
What specific health/safety threats does damaging/destroying the observatory pose?
Does the observatory have a military/national security function that is not public?