Anonymous ID: 448aea Sept. 11, 2018, 6:31 p.m. No.2983619   🗄️.is 🔗kun

been red pilling people for over a decade. had to wear the mantle of "the idiot tin foil hat conspiracy theorist" for quite a while now. now that it looks as though justice is coming, (selfish yeah I know) hoping I can get some vindication. what's that going to look like BTW after fake stream media dies out?


now I KNOW the FULL truth of what has been happening will not be disclosed, but how much of the injustice will finally be revealed and who will be revealing it? are we talking CSPAN coverage of tribunals? or will new media giants emerge? or is 8 chan the next movement in journalsim?


aaand where are we with the IBR? any progression there? anyone keeping tabs to make sure THAT doesn't get hijacked?


love you anons! love you too Q! Love you POTUS! Love you FLOTUS! Love all you patriots! thank you for your sacrifice!